template::add_body_script (public)

 template::add_body_script [ -async ] [ -charset charset ] \
    [ -crossorigin crossorigin ] [ -defer ] [ -integrity integrity ] \
    [ -script script ] [ -src src ] [ -type type ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/head-procs.tcl

Add a script to the start of the body section of the document to be returned to the users client. You must supply either src or script.

(boolean) (optional)
whether execution of the script should be executed asynchronously as soon as it is available
the charset attribute of the script tag, i.e. the character set of the script if it differs from the main document
Enumerated attribute to indicate whether CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) should be used
(boolean) (optional)
whether execution of the script should be deferred until after the page has been loaded
provide hash values for W3C Subresource Integrity recommendation
the inline script for the body of the script tag. This parameter will be ignored if a value has been supplied for src
the src attribute of the script tag, i.e. the source url of the script
(defaults to "text/javascript") (optional)
the type attribute of the script tag, e.g. 'text/javascript'

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_templates_and_scripts templates_and_scripts (test acs-templating) template::add_body_script template::add_body_script test_templates_and_scripts->template::add_body_script test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->template::add_body_script security::csp::require security::csp::require (public) template::add_body_script->security::csp::require template::head::require_csp template::head::require_csp (private) template::add_body_script->template::head::require_csp Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager (public) Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager->template::add_body_script Class ::xowf::test_item::Question_manager Class ::xowf::test_item::Question_manager (public) Class ::xowf::test_item::Question_manager->template::add_body_script Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField (public) Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField->template::add_body_script Class ::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages Class ::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages (public) Class ::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages->template::add_body_script ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) ad_html_text_convert->template::add_body_script

templates_and_scripts, xowiki_test_cases
Source code:

    if {$defer_p} {
        set defer defer
    } else {
        set defer ""
    if {$async_p} {
        set async async
    } else {
        set async ""

    if {$src eq "" && $script eq ""} {
        error "You must supply either -src or -script."

    if {$script ne ""} {
        # We have an inline script.
        # For the time being, not all browsers support
        # nonces. According to the specs the added 'unsafe-inline',
        # is ignored on browsers supporting nonces.
        # We could restrict setting of unsafe-inline to certain
        # browsers by checking the user agent.
        security::csp::require script-src 'unsafe-inline'
    } else {
        # Replace potential URN in src with resolved value
        set key ::template::head::urn($src)
        if {[info exists $key]} {
            template::head::require_csp $::template::head::urn_csp($src)
            set src [set $key]
        } elseif {[string match urn:* $src]} {
            ns_log error "URN <$src> could not be resolved"

    lappend ::template::body_scripts $type $src $charset $defer $async $script $crossorigin $integrity
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