Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Oracle 10g

2: Re: Oracle 10g (response to 1)
Posted by C. R. Oldham on
To followup to my own post, Oracle has a new whitepaper describing the differences between the 4 (!) editions of the 10g database product:

The two most exciting things about this to me are (1) RAC is now part of Standard Edition, and (2) Standard Edition now supports functional indexes.  I haven't dug into the technical details of that yet, but there is the potential for some huge performance increases there, especially creating indexes on things like 'lower(first_names)', 'lower(last_name)', and 'lower(email)'...

3: Re: Oracle 10g (response to 2)
Posted by Sebastiano Pilla on
FYI, function-based indexes are in Standard Edition from 9i onwards (with 8i they were only in Enterprise Edition).