Forum .LRN Q&A: Blogs or Discussions as Pedagogical Tools

I found this interesting weblog posting that considers weblogs and discussion forums as tools for learning:

I think this point here where he discusses changing how the blog or discussion is displayed based on learning goals

"I really, really like the idea of either discussion tools or blog tools that give the instructor some ability to manipulate display based on pedagogy. I'll have to do some thinking about what this might look like if the instructor wanted, say, problem-based learning to be happening. Could the instructor have the display organize posts by steps in a problem-solving process?"

The post is in response to these additional weblog posts about weblogs for classes:

I found this from Michael Feldstein's weblog:

Is anyone reading this forum interested in this kind of information related to actually using .LRN?

Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on
Great post, Dave!

I am very interested in information about blogs as pedagogical tools or everything related to descentralization of learning resources. In fact this is about why i think dotlrn is a great choise for educational processes.

RSS suport, trackback capabilities - and maybe later syndicating learning objects using LORS and RSS - in a very user centric  environment as in dotrln are valuable resources for an education that aims promote autonomy in learning.

Thank you for indicate this weblogs posts. I am going to read this. Michel Feldstein and Kathleen Gilroy - - blogs are my favorites but i think other interesting related lectures could be find in this list:

In particular in blogs from Brian Lamb - - and Sébastien Paquet -


Posted by Dave Bauer on
I have a public news aggregator for quite a few education related weblogs at

You might be able to read the OPML file of the subscriptions