Forum OpenACS Q&A: Error sending mails users bulk load

Posted by Jorge Alcaraz on
Hello! I have configured OpenACS with sendmail relay for sending e-mails.

It works good when I register a new user, the e-mail for reset password is sent.

But when I made a bulk load of almost 1000 users, looks like they didn't receive the e-mail.

And also when I request for e-mail verification, the e-mail isn't sent.

Some users started to send me questions about their access to the community but I'd like to send the e mail to everybody.

Is there some fast or bulk solution to avoid do it manually?

Thanks a lot!

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Have you looked into the error.log, if something went wrong. OpenACS allows queued and immediate sending of mail messages. You might check, whether the mails are in your mail queue (select * from acs_mail_lite_queue).

For sending multiple messages, look at the bulk-mail package. The package has just a minimal www interface, but can relative easily used via the api [1]. For an online-documentation, see [2]. When installed, you find all calls via the api-browser in your installation. When using dotlrn, you can consider the bulkmail portlet (bm-portlet)

Hope, this helps
-gustaf neumann
