
DB Query file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <fullquery name="notify_users">
        select p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as name,nr.request_id,
        (select name from notification_intervals where interval_id=
        nr.interval_id) as interval_name ,(select short_name from
        notification_delivery_methods where
        delivery_method_id=nr.delivery_method_id) as delivery_name, 
	(select pretty_name from notification_types 
        where type_id = :type_id) as pretty_name
                                  from persons p, notification_requests nr
                                  where p.person_id = nr.user_id and
                                  nr.object_id = :object_id and
				  nr.type_id = :type_id
    <fullquery name="get_name_notification">
            select pretty_name 
	    from notification_types
	    where type_id = :type_id