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<property name="title">Postgres Standard Statistics Views</property>
<property name="show_title">1</property>

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					<td align="left"><b>#tlf-resource-integrator.filter#</b></td>
					<td align="right" class="list-filter">(<a href="index.tcl">#tlf-resource-integrator.filter_reset_all#</a>)</td>
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    <h1 class="page-title" style="margin-bottom:15px;">Statistics View: "@t@"</h1>
	<p style="padding-left:10px;">
			<switch @t@>
				<case value="pg_stat_activity">	One row per server process, showing database OID, database name, process ID, user OID, user name, current query, query's waiting status, time at which the current query began execution, time at which the process was started, and client's address and port number. The columns that report data on the current query are available unless the parameter stats_command_string has been turned off. Furthermore, these columns are only visible if the user examining the view is a superuser or the same as the user owning the process being reported on.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_bgwriter">One row only, showing cluster-wide statistics from the background writer: number of scheduled checkpoints, requested checkpoints, buffers written by checkpoints and cleaning scans, and the number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan because it had written too many buffers. Also includes statistics about the shared buffer pool, including buffers written by backends (that is, not by the background writer) and total buffers allocated.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_database">	One row per database, showing database OID, database name, number of active server processes connected to that database, number of transactions committed and rolled back in that database, total disk blocks read, and total buffer hits (i.e., block read requests avoided by finding the block already in buffer cache).</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_all_tables">	For each table in the current database (including TOAST tables), the table OID, schema and table name, number of sequential scans initiated, number of live rows fetched by sequential scans, number of index scans initiated (over all indexes belonging to the table), number of live rows fetched by index scans, numbers of row insertions, updates, and deletions, the last time the table was vacuumed manually, the last time it was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon, the last time it was analyzed manually, and the last time it was analyzed by the autovacuum daemon.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_sys_tables">	Same as pg_stat_all_tables, except that only system tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_user_tables">	Same as pg_stat_all_tables, except that only user tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_all_indexes">	For each index in the current database, the table and index OID, schema, table and index name, number of index scans initiated on that index, number of index entries returned by index scans, and number of live table rows fetched by simple index scans using that index.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_sys_indexes">	Same as pg_stat_all_indexes, except that only indexes on system tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_user_indexes">	Same as pg_stat_all_indexes, except that only indexes on user tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_all_tables">	For each table in the current database (including TOAST tables), the table OID, schema and table name, number of disk blocks read from that table, number of buffer hits, numbers of disk blocks read and buffer hits in all indexes of that table, numbers of disk blocks read and buffer hits from that table's auxiliary TOAST table (if any), and numbers of disk blocks read and buffer hits for the TOAST table's index.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_sys_tables">	Same as pg_statio_all_tables, except that only system tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_user_tables">	Same as pg_statio_all_tables, except that only user tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_all_indexes">	For each index in the current database, the table and index OID, schema, table and index name, numbers of disk blocks read and buffer hits in that index.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_sys_indexes">	Same as pg_statio_all_indexes, except that only indexes on system tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_user_indexes">	Same as pg_statio_all_indexes, except that only indexes on user tables are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_all_sequences">	For each sequence object in the current database, the sequence OID, schema and sequence name, numbers of disk blocks read and buffer hits in that sequence.</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_sys_sequences">	Same as pg_statio_all_sequences, except that only system sequences are shown. (Presently, no system sequences are defined, so this view is always empty.)</case>
				<case value="pg_statio_user_sequences">	Same as pg_statio_all_sequences, except that only user sequences are shown.</case>
				<case value="pg_stat_user_functions">	or all tracked functions, function OID, schema, name, number of calls, total time, and self time. Self time is the amount of time spent in the function itself, total time includes the time spent in functions it called. Time values are in milliseconds. </case>
				<case value="pg_stat_statements">	This view contains one row for each distinct query text, database ID, and user ID (up to the maximum number of distinct statements that the module can track). 
				                                    <br>Info: total_time is measured in seconds, avg_total_time in miliseconds</case>
	  <br><br> <a target="new" href="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/interactive/monitoring-stats.html">Postgres-Doku zu Statistics Collector</a>
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