-- acs_object__get_attribute_storage/2
create or replace function acs_object__get_attribute_storage(
  character varying
) returns text as $$

  object_id_in           alias for $1;  
  attribute_name_in      alias for $2;  

--  these three are the out variables
  v_column               varchar;  
  v_table_name           varchar;  
  v_key_sql              text;
  v_object_type          acs_attributes.object_type%TYPE;
  v_static               acs_attributes.static_p%TYPE;
  v_attr_id              acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE;
  v_storage              acs_attributes.storage%TYPE;
  v_attr_name            acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE;
  v_id_column            varchar(200);   
  v_sql                  text;  
  v_return               text;  
  v_rec                  record;
   --   select 
   --     object_type, id_column
   --   from
   --     acs_object_types
   --   connect by
   --     object_type = prior supertype
   --   start with
   --     object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects 
   --                    where object_id = object_id_in)

   -- Determine the attribute parameters
     a.attribute_id, a.static_p, a.storage, a.table_name, a.attribute_name,
     a.object_type, a.column_name, t.id_column 
     v_attr_id, v_static, v_storage, v_table_name, v_attr_name, 
     v_object_type, v_column, v_id_column
     acs_attributes a,
     (select o2.object_type, o2.id_column
       from acs_object_types o1, acs_object_types o2
      where o1.object_type = (select object_type
                                from acs_objects o
                               where o.object_id = object_id_in)
        and o1.tree_sortkey between o2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(o2.tree_sortkey)
     ) t
     a.attribute_name = attribute_name_in
     a.object_type = t.object_type;

   if NOT FOUND then 
      raise EXCEPTION '-20000: No such attribute % for object % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.', attribute_name_in, object_id_in;
   end if;

   -- This should really be done in a trigger on acs_attributes,
   -- instead of generating it each time in this function

   -- If there is no specific table name for this attribute,
   -- figure it out based on the object type
   if v_table_name is null or v_table_name = '' then

     -- Determine the appropriate table name
     if v_storage = 'generic' then
       -- Generic attribute: table name/column are hardcoded

       v_column := 'attr_value';

       if v_static = 'f' then
         v_table_name := 'acs_attribute_values';
         v_key_sql := '(object_id = ' || object_id_in || ' and ' ||
                      'attribute_id = ' || v_attr_id || ')';
         v_table_name := 'acs_static_attr_values';
         v_key_sql := '(object_type = ''' || v_object_type || ''' and ' ||
                      'attribute_id = ' || v_attr_id || ')';
       end if;

       -- Specific attribute: table name/column need to be retreived
       if v_static = 'f' then
           table_name, id_column 
           v_table_name, v_id_column
           object_type = v_object_type;
         if NOT FOUND then 
            raise EXCEPTION '-20000: No data found for attribute %::% object_id % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage', v_object_type, attribute_name_in, object_id_in;
         end if;
         raise EXCEPTION '-20000: No table name specified for storage specific static attribute %::% object_id % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.',v_object_type, attribute_name_in, object_id_in;
       end if;
     end if;
     -- There is a custom table name for this attribute.
     -- Get the id column out of the acs_object_tables
     -- Raise an error if not found
     select id_column into v_id_column from acs_object_type_tables
       where object_type = v_object_type 
       and table_name = v_table_name;
       if NOT FOUND then 
          raise EXCEPTION '-20000: No data found for attribute %::% object_id % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage', v_object_type, attribute_name_in, object_id_in;
       end if;
   end if;

   if v_column is null or v_column = '' then

     if v_storage = 'generic' then
       v_column := 'attr_value';
       v_column := v_attr_name;
     end if;

   end if;

   if v_key_sql is null or v_key_sql = '' then
     if v_static = 'f' then   
       v_key_sql := v_id_column || ' = ' || object_id_in ; 
       v_key_sql := v_id_column || ' = ''' || v_object_type || '''';
     end if;
   end if;

   return v_column || ',' || v_table_name || ',' || v_key_sql; 

end;$$ language plpgsql;