doc::util::text_divider (private)

 doc::util::text_divider text_ref marker

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/doc-tcl-procs.tcl

divides a string variable into a list of strings, all but the first element beginning with the indicated text marker; the first element of the created list contains all of the string preceding the first occurrence of the text marker

text_ref - name of string variable (not the string value itself)
marker - the string indicating text division
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 doc::parse_file doc::parse_file (private) doc::util::text_divider doc::util::text_divider doc::parse_file->doc::util::text_divider doc::parse_namespace doc::parse_namespace (private) doc::parse_namespace->doc::util::text_divider doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text (private) doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text->doc::util::text_divider doc::sort_see doc::sort_see (private) doc::sort_see->doc::util::text_divider doc::util::find_marker_indices doc::util::find_marker_indices (private) doc::util::text_divider->doc::util::find_marker_indices

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    upvar $text_ref text

    set indices_list [doc::util::find_marker_indices $text $marker]
    set result_list [list]

    # first check for no markers present
    if { $indices_list eq "end" } {
        set text [list $text]
        return 0

    set old_index 0

    foreach index $indices_list {
        lappend result_list [string range $text $old_index $index]
        set old_index [expr {$index + 1}]

    lappend result_list [string range $text $old_index end]

    set text $result_list
    return 1
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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