template::tabstrip::create (public)

 template::tabstrip::create dlg_name [ args... ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/tab-procs.tcl

Create a tabstrip, which is a UI tool consisting of a set of clickable tabs.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::tabstrip::set_current_tab template::tabstrip::set_current_tab (public) template::util::get_opts template::util::get_opts (public) template::util::is_nil template::util::is_nil (public) template::tabstrip::create template::tabstrip::create template::tabstrip::create->template::adp_level template::tabstrip::create->template::tabstrip::set_current_tab template::tabstrip::create->template::util::get_opts template::tabstrip::create->template::util::is_nil

No testcase defined.
Source code:

  template::util::get_opts $args

  set code [list template::form create $dlg_name]
  # Determine cookie name
  if { ![info exists opts(cookie_name)] } {
    set cookie_name $dlg_name
  } else {
    set cookie_name $opts(cookie_name)

  lappend code -cookie_name $cookie_name

  {*}$code {*}$args

  # Determine the current tab
  set level [template::adp_level]
  upvar #$level $dlg_name:properties form_properties

  # Check parameters
  if { [info exists opts(current_tab)] } {
    set current_tab $opts(current_tab)
  } else {
    # Check http
    set http_tab [ns_queryget "${dlg_name}_tab"]
    if { ![template::util::is_nil http_tab] } {
      set current_tab $http_tab
    } else {
      # Check cookie... Ok, NSV, since cookie doesn't work
      if { [nsv_exists tabstrip_tab $cookie_name] } {
        set cookie_tab [nsv_get tabstrip_tab $cookie_name]
        set current_tab $cookie_tab
      } else {
        # Give up
        set current_tab ""
  set_current_tab $dlg_name $current_tab 3
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