This procedure is defined in the server but not documented via ad_proc or proc_doc and may be intended as a private interface.

The procedure is defined as:

proc xml::ParseCommand_parse {object xml} {
    upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$object parser
    variable Wsp
    variable tokExpr
    variable substExpr

    set parent [namespace parent]
    if {"::" eq $parent } {
	set parent {}

    set tokenized [lrange  [${parent}::sgml::tokenise $xml  $tokExpr  $substExpr  -internaldtdvariable [namespace current]::${object}(internaldtd)]  4 end]

    eval ${parent}::sgml::parseEvent  [list $tokenized  -emptyelement [namespace code ParseEmpty]  -parseattributelistcommand [namespace code ParseAttrs]]  [array get parser -*command]  [array get parser -entityvariable]  [array get parser -reportempty]  -normalize 0  -internaldtd [list $parser(internaldtd)]

    return {}


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