xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc (public)

 xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc [ -name name ] [ -type type ] dict

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/form-field-procs.tcl

Convert the provided dict into form_constraint syntax (comma separated). The other direction would be more complex, since the fcs are interpreted from left to right, overwriting potentially previous values. The fc-interpretation creates already the form fields, produces intended errors, when certain attributes are not allowed, etc.

optional form-field name
type of the form-field; if not specified, take it from key "_type" of the dict
dict - dict to be converted.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_dict_to_xx dict_to_xx (test xowiki) xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc test_dict_to_xx->xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec (public) xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec->xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc

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