auth::refresh_login (public)


Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/authentication-procs.tcl

If there currently is a user associated with this session, but the user's authentication is expired, redirect the user to refresh his/her login. This allows for users to not be logged in, but if the user is logged in, then we require that the authentication is not expired.

user_id of user, if the user is logged in and auth_status is not expired, or 0 if the user is not logged in. If user's auth_status is expired, this proc will issue a returnredirect and abort the current page.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth__refresh_login auth__refresh_login (test acs-authentication) auth::refresh_login auth::refresh_login test_auth__refresh_login->auth::refresh_login ad_conn ad_conn (public) auth::refresh_login->ad_conn ad_get_login_url ad_get_login_url (public) auth::refresh_login->ad_get_login_url ad_returnredirect ad_returnredirect (public) auth::refresh_login->ad_returnredirect ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) auth::refresh_login->ad_script_abort sec_login_get_external_registry sec_login_get_external_registry (public) auth::refresh_login->sec_login_get_external_registry packages/forums/www/message-post.tcl packages/forums/ www/message-post.tcl packages/forums/www/message-post.tcl->auth::refresh_login

Source code:
    if { [ad_conn auth_level] ne "expired" } {
        return [ad_conn user_id]
    # The -return switch causes the URL to return to the current page
    ad_returnredirect [ad_get_login_url -return  -external_registry [sec_login_get_external_registry]]
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:

Oracle XQL file:

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