xo::pool_remap_watchdog (private)

 xo::pool_remap_watchdog [ -maxWaiting maxWaiting ] \
    [ -maxRunning maxRunning ]

Defined in packages/xotcl-request-monitor/tcl/throttle_mod-procs.tcl

Watchdoc function to ensure liveliness of the server. This watchdog checks every minute the running jobs and maps very slow requests to the slow pool (if configured) to avoid that the default pool is getting filled up with more stuck requests. The watchdog is managed via an ad_schedule_proc started from the init-procs.

(defaults to "10") (optional)
(defaults to "100") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::send acs_mail_lite::send (public) ad_host_administrator ad_host_administrator (public) ad_system_name ad_system_name (public) ad_system_owner ad_system_owner (public) ad_url ad_url (public) xo::pool_remap_watchdog xo::pool_remap_watchdog xo::pool_remap_watchdog->acs_mail_lite::send xo::pool_remap_watchdog->ad_host_administrator xo::pool_remap_watchdog->ad_system_name xo::pool_remap_watchdog->ad_system_owner xo::pool_remap_watchdog->ad_url

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