auth::password::recover_password (public)

 auth::password::recover_password [ -authority_id authority_id ] \
    [ -username username ] [ -email email ]

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/password-procs.tcl

Handles forgotten passwords. Attempts to retrieve a password; if not possible, attempts to reset a password. If it succeeds, it emails the user. For all outcomes, it returns a message to be displayed.

The ID of the authority that the user is trying to log into.
The username that the user's trying to log in with.
Email can be supplied instead of authority_id and username.
Array list with the following entries:
  • password_status: ok, no_support, failed_to_connect
  • password_message: Human-readable message to be relayed to the user. May contain HTML.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_password_recover auth_password_recover (test acs-authentication) auth::password::recover_password auth::password::recover_password test_auth_password_recover->auth::password::recover_password _ _ (public) auth::password::recover_password->_ acs_user::get_user_info acs_user::get_user_info (public) auth::password::recover_password->acs_user::get_user_info ad_returnredirect ad_returnredirect (public) auth::password::recover_password->ad_returnredirect ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) auth::password::recover_password->ad_script_abort auth::UseEmailForLoginP auth::UseEmailForLoginP (public) auth::password::recover_password->auth::UseEmailForLoginP packages/acs-subsite/www/register/recover-password.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/register/recover-password.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/register/recover-password.tcl->auth::password::recover_password

Source code:
    if { $username eq "" } {
        if { $email eq "" } {
            set result(password_status) "failed_to_connect"
            if { [auth::UseEmailForLoginP] } {
                set result(password_message) "Email required"
            } else {
                set result(password_message) "Username required"
            return [array get result]
        set user_id [party::get_by_email -email $email]
        if { $user_id eq "" } {
            set result(password_status) "failed_to_connect"
            set result(password_message) "Unknown email"
            return [array get result]
        set user [acs_user::get_user_info -user_id $user_id]
        set authority_id [dict get $user authority_id]
        set username     [dict get $user username]
    } else {
        # Default to local authority
        if { $authority_id eq "" } {
            set authority_id [auth::authority::local]

    set forgotten_url [auth::password::get_forgotten_url  -remote_only  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username]

    if { $forgotten_url ne "" } {
        ad_returnredirect -allow_complete_url $forgotten_url

    if { [auth::password::can_retrieve_p -authority_id $authority_id] } {
        array set result [auth::password::retrieve  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username]
    } elseif { [auth::password::can_reset_p -authority_id $authority_id] } {
        array set result [auth::password::reset  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username]
    } else {
        # Can't reset or retrieve - we give up
        set result(password_status) "not_supported"
        set result(password_message) [_ acs-subsite.sorry_forgotten_pwd]

    return [array get result]
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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