• Publicity: Public Only All


Provides a simple API for reliably sending email.

22 March 2002
Eric Lorenzo <eric@openforce.net>
CVS Identification:
$Id: acs-mail-lite-procs.tcl,v 2022/11/29 18:34:55 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

acs_mail_lite::get_parameter (public, deprecated)

 acs_mail_lite::get_parameter -name name [ -default default ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns an apm-parameter value of this package Deprecated: just a wrapper for parameter::get

parameter name
default parameter value
apm-parameter value of this package
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::get_package_id acs_mail_lite::get_package_id (private) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) parameter::get parameter::get (public) acs_mail_lite::get_parameter acs_mail_lite::get_parameter acs_mail_lite::get_parameter->acs_mail_lite::get_package_id acs_mail_lite::get_parameter->ad_log_deprecated acs_mail_lite::get_parameter->parameter::get

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::send (public)

 acs_mail_lite::send [ -send_immediately ] [ -valid_email ] \
    -to_addr to_addr -from_addr from_addr [ -subject subject ] \
    -body body [ -mime_type mime_type ] [ -cc_addr cc_addr ] \
    [ -bcc_addr bcc_addr ] [ -reply_to reply_to ] \
    [ -package_id package_id ] [ -no_callback ] [ -file_ids file_ids ] \
    [ -filesystem_files filesystem_files ] \
    [ -delete_filesystem_files ] [ -extraheaders extraheaders ] \
    [ -use_sender ] [ -object_id object_id ]

Prepare an email to be sent. Various email attributes can be specified, such as subject, body, senders, recipients, attachments and so on. The proc relies on MIME and SMTP.

(boolean) (optional)
The email is send immediately and not stored in the acs_mail_lite_queue
(boolean) (optional)
List of e-mail addresses to send this mail to.
E-Mail address of the sender.
of the email
Text body of the email
(defaults to "text/plain") (optional)
MIME Type of the mail to send out. Can be "text/plain", "text/html".
List of CC Users e-mail addresses to send this mail to.
List of CC Users e-mail addresses to send this mail to.
Package ID of the sending package
(boolean) (optional)
Boolean that indicates if callback should be executed or not. If you don't provide it it will execute callbacks
List of file ids (items or revisions) to be sent as attachments. This will only work with files stored in the file-storage.
List of regular files on the filesystem to be sent as attachments.
(boolean) (optional)
List of keywords and their values passed in for headers. Interesting ones are: "Precedence: list" to disable autoreplies and mark this as a list message. This is as list of lists !!
(boolean) (optional)
Boolean indicating that from_addr should be used regardless of fixed-sender parameter

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_email_send email_send (test acs-mail-lite) acs_mail_lite::send acs_mail_lite::send test_email_send->acs_mail_lite::send acs_mail_lite::get_package_id acs_mail_lite::get_package_id (private) acs_mail_lite::send->acs_mail_lite::get_package_id acs_mail_lite::send_immediately acs_mail_lite::send_immediately (private) acs_mail_lite::send->acs_mail_lite::send_immediately db_dml db_dml (public) acs_mail_lite::send->db_dml parameter::get parameter::get (public) acs_mail_lite::send->parameter::get acs_admin::check_expired_certificates acs_admin::check_expired_certificates (private) acs_admin::check_expired_certificates->acs_mail_lite::send acs_mail_lite::check_bounces acs_mail_lite::check_bounces (private) acs_mail_lite::check_bounces->acs_mail_lite::send acs_messaging_process_queue acs_messaging_process_queue (private) acs_messaging_process_queue->acs_mail_lite::send auth::local::password::ChangePassword auth::local::password::ChangePassword (private) auth::local::password::ChangePassword->acs_mail_lite::send auth::local::password::RetrievePassword auth::local::password::RetrievePassword (private) auth::local::password::RetrievePassword->acs_mail_lite::send


ns_sendmail (public, deprecated)

 ns_sendmail to from subject body [ extraheaders ] [ bcc ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Replacement for ns_sendmail for backward compatibility.

extraheaders (optional)
bcc (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::send acs_mail_lite::send (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ns_sendmail ns_sendmail ns_sendmail->acs_mail_lite::send ns_sendmail->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Provides a simple API for reliably sending email.

    @author Eric Lorenzo (eric@openforce.net)
    @creation-date 22 March 2002
    @cvs-id $Id: acs-mail-lite-procs.tcl,v 2022/11/29 18:34:55 gustafn Exp $

package require mime 1.4
package require smtp 1.4
# package require base64 2.3.1

namespace eval acs_mail_lite {

    ad_proc -private get_package_id {} {
        @return package_id of this package
    } {
        return [apm_package_id_from_key acs-mail-lite]

    d_proc -deprecated -public get_parameter {
        {-default ""}
    } {
        Returns an apm-parameter value of this package

        Deprecated: just a wrapper for parameter::get

        @option name parameter name
        @option default default parameter value
        @return apm-parameter value of this package
        @see parameter::get
    } {
        return [parameter::get \
                    -package_id [get_package_id] \
                    -parameter $name \
                    -default $default]

    ad_proc -private mail_dir {} {
        @return incoming mail directory to be scanned for bounces
    } {
        return [parameter::get \
                    -package_id [get_package_id] \
                    -parameter "BounceMailDir" \
                    -default ""]

    d_proc -private parse_email_address {
    } {
        Extracts the email address out of a mail address
        (like Joe User &lt;joe@user.com&gt;)
        @option email mail address to be parsed
        @return only the email address part of the mail address
    } {
        if {![regexp {<([^>]*)>} $email all clean_email]} {
            return $email
        } else {
            return $clean_email

    d_proc -private log_mail_sending {
    } {
        Logs mail sending time for user
        @option user_id user for whom email sending should be logged
    } {
        db_dml record_mail_sent {}
        if {![db_resultrows]} {
            db_dml insert_log_entry {}

    d_proc -private generate_message_id {
    } {
        Generate an id suitable as a Message-Id: header for an email.
        @return valid message-id for mail header
    } {
        # The combination of high resolution time and random
        # value should be pretty unique.

        return "<[clock clicks].[ns_time].oacs@[address_domain]>"

    d_proc -private valid_signature {
    } {
        Validates if provided signature syntactically matches message_id
        as generated by OpenACS and equals to the hash of the provided signature.
        GN: not sure, why both is checked.

        @param signature signature to be checked
        @param message-id message ID that the signature should be checked against
        @return boolean 0 or 1
    } {
        if {![regexp "(<\[\-0-9\]+\\.\[0-9\]+\\.oacs@[address_domain]>)" $message_id match id]
            || $signature ne [ns_sha1 $id]
        } {
            # either couldn't find message-id or signature doesn't match
            return 0
        return 1

    ad_proc -private get_delivery_parameters {} {
        Get the SMTP Parameters and return these as a dict.

        @return dict with keys identical to the package parameters
    } {
        set mail_package_id [get_package_id]

        set smtpHost [parameter::get -parameter "SMTPHost" \
                      -package_id $mail_package_id \
                      -default [ns_config ns/parameters mailhost]]
        if {$smtpHost eq ""} {
            set smtpHost localhost

        set timeout [parameter::get -parameter "SMTPTimeout" \
                         -package_id $mail_package_id \
                         -default  [ns_config ns/parameters smtptimeout]]
        if {$timeout eq ""} {
            set timeout 60

        set smtpPort [parameter::get -parameter "SMTPPort" \
                          -package_id $mail_package_id \
                          -default 25]

        set smtpUser [parameter::get -parameter "SMTPUser" \
                          -package_id $mail_package_id]

        set smtpPassword [parameter::get -parameter "SMTPPassword" \
                              -package_id $mail_package_id]

        set deliveryMode [parameter::get \
                               -package_id $mail_package_id \
                               -parameter EmailDeliveryMode \
                               -default default]
        return [list \
                    SMTPHost $smtpHost \
                    SMTPTimeout $timeout \
                    SMTPPort $smtpPort \
                    SMTPUser $smtpUser \
                    SMTPPassword $smtpPassword \
                    EmailDeliveryMode $deliveryMode]

    d_proc -private smtp {
    } {
        Send messages via SMTP

        @param multi_token Multi Token generated which is passed
               directly to smtp::sendmessage

        @param headers List of list of header key-value pairs like
               {{from malte@cognovis.de} {to malte@cognovis.de}}

        @param delivery_dict dictionary of delivery parameters
               including the SMTP* configuration parameters

    } {

        # Consider adding code here to
        # set orignator to acs-mail-lite parameter FixedSenderEmail
        # if FixedSenderEmail is not empty,
        # so as to be consistent for all cases calling this proc.

        set cmd [list smtp::sendmessage $multi_token -originator $originator]
        foreach header $headers {
            lappend cmd -header $header
        lappend cmd \
            -servers [dict get $delivery_dict SMTPHost] \
            -ports [dict get $delivery_dict SMTPPort]

        # Request authentication only, when user AND password are
        # specified. If only one of these is specified, issue a
        # warning and ignore the parameter.
        set smtpUser [dict get $delivery_dict SMTPUser]
        set smtpPassword [dict get $delivery_dict SMTPPassword]
        if {$smtpUser ne "" && $smtpPassword ne "" } {
            lappend cmd -username $smtpUser -password $smtpPassword
        } elseif {$smtpUser ne ""|| $smtpPassword ne ""} {
            ns_log warning "acs-mail-lite::smtp: invalid parameter combination;\
                when SMTPUser is specified, SMTPPassword has to be provided as well and vice versa"

        ns_log Debug "send cmd: $cmd"
        if {[catch $cmd errorMsg]} {
            ns_log Error "acs-mail-lite::smtp: error $errorMsg while executing\n$cmd"
            error $errorMsg

    d_proc -private get_address_array {
    } {
        Checks if passed variable is already an array of emails,
        user_names and user_ids. If not, get the additional data
        from the db and return the full array.
        @option addresses variable to checked for array
        @return array of emails, user_names and user_ids to be used
        for the mail procedures
    } {
        if {[catch {array set address_array $addresses}]
            || [lsort [array names address_array]] ne [list email name user_id]
        } {
            # Either user just passed a normal address-list or
            # user passed an array, but forgot to provide user_ids
            # or user_names, so we have to get this data from the db
            if {![info exists address_array(email)]} {
                # so user passed on a normal address-list
                set address_array(email) $addresses

            set address_list [list]
            foreach email $address_array(email) {
                # strip out only the emails from address-list
                lappend address_list [string tolower [parse_email_address -email $email]]

            array unset address_array
            # now get the user_names and user_ids
            foreach email $address_list {
                set email [string tolower $email]
                if {[db_0or1row get_user_name_and_id {
                    select person_id as user_id, first_names || ' ' || last_name as user_name
                    from parties, persons
                    where email = :email
                      and party_id = person_id
                     order by party_id desc
                    fetch first 1 rows only
                }]} {
                    lappend address_array(email) $email
                    lappend address_array(name) $user_name
                    lappend address_array(user_id) $user_id
                } else {
                    lappend address_array(email) $email
                    lappend address_array(name) ""
                    lappend address_array(user_id) ""
        return [array get address_array]

    d_proc -public send {
        {-subject ""}
        {-mime_type "text/plain"}
        {-cc_addr ""}
        {-bcc_addr ""}
        {-reply_to ""}
        {-package_id ""}
        {-file_ids ""}
        {-filesystem_files ""}
        {-extraheaders ""}
        {-object_id ""}
    } {

        Prepare an email to be sent. Various email attributes can be
        specified, such as subject, body, senders, recipients,
        attachments and so on. The proc relies on MIME and SMTP.

        @param send_immediately The email is send immediately and not
               stored in the acs_mail_lite_queue

        @param to_addr List of e-mail addresses to send this mail to.

        @param from_addr E-Mail address of the sender.

        @param subject of the email

        @param body Text body of the email

        @param cc_addr List of CC Users e-mail addresses to send this mail to.

        @param bcc_addr List of CC Users e-mail addresses to send this mail to.

        @param package_id Package ID of the sending package

        @param file_ids List of file ids (items or revisions) to be sent as attachments. This will only work with files stored in
               the file-storage.

        @param filesystem_files List of regular files on the
               filesystem to be sent as attachments.

        @param delete_filesystem_files_p Decides if we want files specified
               by the 'file' parameter to be deleted once sent.

        @param mime_type MIME Type of the mail to send out. Can be

        @param extraheaders List of keywords and their values passed
               in for headers. Interesting ones are: "Precedence:
               list" to disable autoreplies and mark this as a list
               message. This is as list of lists !!

        @param no_callback Boolean that indicates if callback should
               be executed or not. If you don't provide it it will
               execute callbacks

        @param use_sender Boolean indicating that from_addr should be
               used regardless of fixed-sender parameter

    } {
        # Check, if send_immediately is set if not, take global
        # parameter.
        if { !$send_immediately_p } {
            set send_immediately_p [parameter::get \
                                        -package_id [get_package_id] \
                                        -parameter "send_immediately" \
                                        -default 0]

        # If send_immediately_p true, then start
        # acs_mail_lite::send_immediately, so mail is not stored in
        # the db before delivery.
        if { $send_immediately_p } {
            acs_mail_lite::send_immediately \
                -to_addr $to_addr \
                -cc_addr $cc_addr \
                -bcc_addr $bcc_addr \
                -from_addr $from_addr \
                -reply_to $reply_to \
                -subject $subject \
                -body $body \
                -package_id $package_id \
                -file_ids $file_ids \
                -filesystem_files $filesystem_files \
                -delete_filesystem_files_p $delete_filesystem_files_p \
                -mime_type $mime_type \
                -no_callback_p $no_callback_p \
                -extraheaders $extraheaders \
                -use_sender_p $use_sender_p \
                -object_id $object_id
        } else {
            # else, store it in the db and let the sweeper deliver the mail
            set creation_date [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"]
            set locking_server ""
            db_dml create_queue_entry {}

    ad_proc -private sweeper {} {
        Send messages in the acs_mail_lite_queue table.
    } {
        # Make sure that only one thread is processing the queue at a time.
        if {[nsv_incr acs_mail_lite send_mails_p] != 1} {

        ad_try {
            db_foreach get_queued_messages {} {
                # Lock the message and also make sure that it was not
                # locked or deleted by somebody else in the meantime.
                set locking_server [ad_url]
                db_dml lock_queued_message {}

                if {[db_resultrows] == 1} {
                    # send the mail
                    ad_try {
                        acs_mail_lite::send_immediately \
                            -to_addr $to_addr \
                            -cc_addr $cc_addr \
                            -bcc_addr $bcc_addr \
                            -from_addr $from_addr \
                            -reply_to $reply_to \
                            -subject $subject \
                            -body $body \
                            -package_id $package_id \
                            -object_id $object_id \
                            -file_ids $file_ids \
                            -filesystem_files $filesystem_files \
                            -delete_filesystem_files_p $delete_filesystem_files_p \
                            -mime_type $mime_type \
                            -no_callback_p $no_callback_p \
                            -extraheaders $extraheaders \
                            -use_sender_p $use_sender_p
                    } on error {errorMsg} {
                        ad_log Error "Could not send queued mail (message $id): $errorMsg"
                        # Uncommenting the following two lines would
                        # cause failed emails to be retried at the
                        # next sweep. This could make sense only for
                        # certain kinds of errors, so it is best left
                        # commented and delegated to e.g. downstream
                        # callbacks.
                        ## set locking_server ""
                        ## db_dml lock_queued_message {}
                    } on ok {r} {
                        # mail was sent, delete the queue entry
                        db_dml delete_queue_entry {}
        } finally {
            nsv_unset acs_mail_lite send_mails_p

    ad_proc -private encode_email_address {email} {
        set d [lindex [::mime::parseaddress $email] 0]
        dict with d {
            if {$phrase ne "" && ![string is ascii -strict $phrase]} {
                set email "[mime::word_encode utf-8 quoted-printable $phrase] <$address>"
        return $email

    d_proc -private send_immediately {
        {-valid_email_p "0"}
        {-cc_addr ""}
        {-bcc_addr ""}
        {-reply_to ""}
        {-subject ""}
        {-package_id ""}
        {-file_ids ""}
        {-filesystem_files ""}
        {-delete_filesystem_files_p "0"}
        {-mime_type "text/plain"}
        {-no_callback_p "0"}
        {-extraheaders ""}
        {-use_sender_p "0"}
        {-object_id ""}
        {-force_delivery_mode ""}
    } {

        Prepare an email to be sent immediately. Various email
        attributes can be specified, such as subject, body, senders,
        recipients, attachments and so on. The proc relies on MIME and

        @param to_addr List of e-mail addresses to send this mail to.

        @param from_addr E-Mail address of the sender.

        @param reply_to E-Mail address to which replies should
               go. Defaults to from_addr

        @param subject of the email

        @param body Text body of the email

        @param cc_addr List of CC Users e-mail addresses to send this
               mail to.

        @param bcc_addr List of CC Users e-mail addresses to send this
               mail to.

        @param package_id Package ID of the sending package

        @param file_ids List of file ids (items or revisions) to be sent as attachments. This will only work with files
               stored in the file-storage.

        @param filesystem_files List of regular files on the
               filesystem to be sent as attachments.

        @param delete_filesystem_files_p Decides if we want files
               specified by the 'file' parameter to be deleted once

        @param mime_type MIME Type of the mail to send out. Can be

        @param extraheaders List of keywords and their values passed
               in for headers. Interesting ones are: "Precedence:
               list" to disable autoreplies and mark this as a list
               message. This is as list of lists !!

        @param no_callback_p Indicates if callback should be executed
               or not. If you don't provide it it will execute

        @param use_sender_p Boolean indicating that from_addr should
               be used regardless of fixed-sender parameter

        @param object_id Object id that caused this email to be sent

        @param force_delivery_mode Force the specified delivery mode
               for this single call
    } {

        set mail_package_id [get_package_id]
        if {$package_id eq ""} {
            set package_id $mail_package_id

        # Decide which sender to use
        set fixed_sender [parameter::get \
                              -parameter "FixedSenderEmail" \
                              -package_id $mail_package_id]

        if { $fixed_sender ne "" && !$use_sender_p} {
            set from_addr $fixed_sender

        set from_addr [encode_email_address $from_addr]
        set to_addr [lmap email $to_addr {encode_email_address $email}]
        # Set the Reply-To
        if {$reply_to eq ""} {
            set reply_to $from_addr

        # Get any associated data indicating need to sign message-id

        # Recipients might be specified as "DisplayName <email>". This
        # format is valid for the "To:" email header, but not for the
        # "RCPT TO", hence we strip the eventually-present display
        # name from the latter.
        set to_addr_header $to_addr
        set to_addr [list]
        foreach addr $to_addr_header {
            if {[regexp {^.* <(.*)>$} $addr _ email]} {
                lappend to_addr $email
            } else {
                lappend to_addr $addr

        # associate a user_id
        set rcpt_id 0
        if { [llength $to_addr] == 1 } {
            set rcpt_id [party::get_by_email -email $to_addr]
            if {$rcpt_id eq ""} {
                set rcpt_id 0

        # Set the message_id
        # message-id gets signed if parameter defaults not passed
        set message_id [acs_mail_lite::unique_id_create \
                            -object_id $object_id \
                            -package_id $package_id \
                            -party_id $rcpt_id]

        # Set originator header
        set originator_email [parameter::get \
                                  -parameter "OriginatorEmail" \
                                  -package_id $mail_package_id]

        # Decision based firstly on parameter,
        # and then on other values that most likely could be substituted
        # with initial choice, and while meeting definition
        # of originator header according to RFC 2822 section 3.6.2
        # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.6.2
        # A value must be provided.
        switch -exact -- $originator_email {
            fixed_sender {
                if { $fixed_sender ne "" } {
                    set originator $fixed_sender
                } elseif$from_addr ne "" } {
                    set originator $from_addr
                } else {
                    set originator $message_id
            from_address {
                if { $from_addr ne "" } {
                    set originator $from_addr
                } elseif$fixed_sender ne "" } {
                    set originator $fixed_sender
                } else {
                    set originator $message_id
            message_id {
                set originator $message_id
            reply_to {
                if { $reply_to ne "" } {
                    set originator $reply_to
                } elseif$from_addr ne "" } {
                    set originator $from_addr
                } else {
                    set originator $message_id
            bounce_address -
            default {
                # Build the originator address to be used as envelope sender
                # and originator etc.
                set originator [bounce_address -user_id $rcpt_id \
                                   -package_id $package_id \
                                   -message_id $message_id]

        # Set the date
        set message_date [acs_mail_lite::utils::build_date]

        # Build the message body
        set tokens [acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body \
                        -mime_type $mime_type -- $body]

        # Add attachments if any
        # ...from file-storage
        if {$file_ids ne ""} {
            set item_ids [list]

            # Check if we are dealing with revisions or items.
            foreach file_id $file_ids {
                set item_id [content::revision::item_id -revision_id $file_id]
                if {$item_id eq ""} {
                    lappend item_ids $file_id
                } else {
                    lappend item_ids $item_id

            db_foreach get_file_info {} {
                lappend tokens [mime::initialize \
                                    -param [list name [ns_quotehtml $title]] \
                                    -header [list Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=\"$name\""] \
                                    -header [list Content-Description $title] \
                                    -canonical $mime_type \
                                    -file [content::revision::get_cr_file_path -revision_id $revision_id]]

        # ...from filesystem
        if {$filesystem_files ne ""} {
            # get root of folders into which files are allowed to be sent
            set filesystem_attachments_root [parameter::get \
                                                 -parameter "FilesystemAttachmentsRoot" \
                                                 -package_id $mail_package_id \
                                                 -default ""]
            if {$filesystem_attachments_root eq ""} {
                # on a unix system this could be '/tmp'
                set filesystem_attachments_root [ad_tmpdir]
            foreach f $filesystem_files {
                # make the filename absolute
                if {[file pathtype $f] ne "absolute"} {
                    set f [file join [pwd$f]
                if {![file exists $f]} {
                    ns_log Error "acs-mail-lite::send: Could not send mail: file '$f' does not exist"
                if {[string first $filesystem_attachments_root $f] != 0} {
                    ns_log Error "acs-mail-lite::send: Could not send mail: file '$f'\
                           is outside the allowed root folder for attachments\
                set name [file tail $f]
                set mime_type [cr_filename_to_mime_type $name]
                lappend tokens [mime::initialize \
                                    -param [list name $name] \
                                    -header [list Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=\"$name\""] \
                                    -header [list Content-Description $name] \
                                    -canonical $mime_type \
                                    -file $f]

        if {$file_ids ne "" || $filesystem_files ne ""} {
            set tokens [mime::initialize -canonical "multipart/mixed" -parts $tokens]

        ### Add the headers

        mime::setheader $tokens "message-id" $message_id
        mime::setheader $tokens date $message_date

        # Set the subject
        if { $subject ne "" } {
            set encoded_subject [acs_mail_lite::utils::build_subject -- $subject]
            mime::setheader $tokens Subject $encoded_subject

        # Add extra headers
        foreach header $extraheaders {
            mime::setheader $tokens [lindex $header 0] [lindex $header 1]

        # Get the delivery parameters, including SMTP
        set deliveryDict [get_delivery_parameters]

        # Rollout support
        set default_send_mode smtp

        if {$force_delivery_mode ne ""} {
            set delivery_mode $force_delivery_mode
        } else {
            set delivery_mode [dict get $deliveryDict EmailDeliveryMode]

        foreach w $delivery_mode {
            if {$w ni {smtp nssmtpd default log redirect ignore}} {
                ns_log warning "unexpected entry '$w' in parameter EmailDeliveryMode (ignored)"

        if {"nssmtpd" in $delivery_mode} {
            # Filter the word "nssmtpd" from the EmailDeliveryMode and
            # try to use "nssmtpd" as default_send mode
            if {[llength $delivery_mode] > 1} {
                # Filter "nssmtpd" from the list
                set delivery_mode [lmap m $delivery_mode {
                    if {$m eq "nssmtpd"} continue
                    set m
            # "ns_smtpd" can be used, when it is available and no
            # password mode is specified.
            if { [namespace which ns_smtpd] eq ""
                 || [dict get $deliveryDict SMTPPassword] ne ""
                 || [dict get $deliveryDict SMTPUser] ne ""
             } {
                ns_log warning "configured 'nssmtp' as EmailDeliveryMode but it can't be used."
             } else {
                 set default_send_mode nssmtpd

        switch -- $delivery_mode {
            log {
                set send_mode "log"
                set notice "logging email instead of sending"
            filter {
                set send_mode $default_send_mode
                set allowed_addr [parameter::get \
                                      -package_id $mail_package_id \
                                      -parameter EmailAllow]

                foreach recipient [concat $to_addr $cc_addr $bcc_addr] {

                    # if any of the recipient is not in the allowed list
                    # email message has to be sent to the log instead

                    if {$recipient ni $allowed_addr} {
                        set send_mode "log"
                        set notice "logging email because one of the recipient ($recipient) is not in the EmailAllow list"

            redirect {
                set send_mode $default_send_mode

                set redirect_to [parameter::get \
                                 -package_id $mail_package_id \
                                 -parameter EmailRedirectTo]
                if {$redirect_to eq ""} {
                    ns_log warning "acs-mail-lite: redirect mode activated but no value for\
                       EmailRedirectTo provided"
                    set send_mode ignore
                } else {
                    set to_addr $redirect_to
                    set to_addr_header $redirect_to

                    # Since we have to redirect to a list of addresses
                    # we need to remove the CC and BCC
                    set cc_addr ""
                    set bcc_addr ""
            default {
                set send_mode $default_send_mode

        # Prepare the headers list of recipients
        set headers_list [list [list From $from_addr] \
                              [list Reply-To $reply_to] \
                              [list To [join $to_addr_header ","]]]

        if { $cc_addr ne "" } {
            lappend headers_list [list CC [join $cc_addr ","]]

        if { $bcc_addr ne ""} {

            # BCC implementation in tcllib 1.8 to 1.11 is awkward. It
            # sends the blind copy as an attachment, changes the From
            # header replacing it with the originator, etc. So we use
            # DCC instead which behaves as one would expect Bcc to
            # behave.

            lappend headers_list [list DCC [join $bcc_addr ","]]

        set errorMsg ""
        set status ok
        ns_log notice "sending mail to $to_addr with send_mode '$send_mode'"
        if {$send_mode eq "nssmtpd"} {

            foreach header $headers_list {
                mime::setheader $tokens [lindex $header 0] [lindex $header 1]
            set fullMailMessage [mime::buildmessage $tokens]

            # Call "ns_smtpd send" from the NaviServer nssmtpd module.
            # When the last two arguments are not provided, the
            # command uses host and port from the configuration
            # section of the nssmtpd module.
            try {
                ns_smtpd send $originator $to_addr fullMailMessage \
                    [dict get $deliveryDict SMTPHost] \
                    [dict get $deliveryDict SMTPPort]
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                set status error

        } elseif$send_mode eq "log" } {

            # Add recipients to headers
            foreach header $headers_list {
                mime::setheader $tokens [lindex $header 0] [lindex $header 1]

            # Retrieve the email message as a string
            set packaged [mime::buildmessage $tokens]

            # Send the email message to the log
            ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite::send: $notice\n\n**********\n\
                Envelope sender: $originator\n\n$packaged\n**********"

        } elseif {$send_mode eq "smtp"} {

            ad_try {
                acs_mail_lite::smtp -multi_token $tokens \
                    -headers $headers_list \
                    -originator $originator \
                    -delivery_dict $deliveryDict
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                set status error

        } else {
            # Ignoring sending message
            ns_log warning "acs-mail-lite::send: ignore sending message to $to_addr"

        # Close all mime tokens
        mime::finalize $tokens -subordinates all

        if { !$no_callback_p } {
            callback acs_mail_lite::send \
                -package_id $package_id \
                -message_id $message_id \
                -from_addr $from_addr \
                -to_addr $to_addr \
                -body $body \
                -mime_type $mime_type \
                -subject $subject \
                -cc_addr $cc_addr \
                -bcc_addr $bcc_addr \
                -file_ids $file_ids \
                -filesystem_files $filesystem_files \
                -delete_filesystem_files_p $delete_filesystem_files_p \
                -object_id $object_id \
                -status $status \
                -errorMsg $errorMsg

        # Attachment files can now be deleted, if so required.
        # I leave this as the last thing to do, because callbacks
        # could need to look at files for their own purposes.
        if {[string is true $delete_filesystem_files_p]} {
            foreach f $filesystem_files {
            file delete -- $f
        if {$status ne "ok"} {
            error $errorMsg

    d_proc -deprecated -private message_interpolate {
    } {
        Interpolates a set of values into a string. This is directly
        copied from the bulk mail package.

        DEPRECATED: duplicated code from bulk-mail that could be replaced by
                    "string map"
        @see "string map"

        @param values a list of key, value pairs, each one consisting of a
        target string and the value it is to be replaced with.
        @param text the string that is to be interpolated

        @return the interpolated string
    } {
        foreach pair $values {
            regsub -all -- [lindex $pair 0] $text [lindex $pair 1] text
        return $text


    d_proc -public -deprecated ::ns_sendmail {
        {extraheaders {}}
        {bcc {}}
    } {

        Replacement for ns_sendmail for backward compatibility.

    } {

        ns_log warning "ns_sendmail is deprecated. Use acs_mail_lite::send instead."

        set extraheaders_list [list]

        if { $extraheaders ne "" } {
            foreach {key value} [ns_set array $extraheaders] {
                lappend extraheaders_list [list $key $value]

        acs_mail_lite::send \
            -to_addr [split $to ","] \
            -from_addr $from \
            -subject $subject \
            -body $body \
            -bcc_addr [split $bcc ","] \
            -extraheaders $extraheaders_list

    ad_proc -private address_domain {} {
        @return domain address to which bounces are directed to.
        If empty, uses domain from FixedSenderEmail parameter,
        otherwise the hostname in config.tcl is used.
    } {
        set domain [parameter::get_from_package_key \
                        -package_key "acs-mail-lite" \
                        -parameter "BounceDomain"]
        if { $domain eq "" } {
            # Assume a FixedSenderEmail domain, if it exists.
            set email [parameter::get_from_package_key \
                           -package_key "acs-mail-lite" \
                           -parameter "FixedSenderEmail"]
            if { $email ne "" } {
                set domain [string range $email [string last "@" $email]+1 end]
            } else {
                # If there is no domain configured, use the configured
                # hostname as domain name
                foreach driver {nsssl nssock_v4 nssock_v6 nssock} {
                    set section [ns_driversection -driver $driver]
                    set configured_hostname [ns_config $section hostname]
                    if {$configured_hostname ne ""} {
                        set domain $configured_hostname
        return $domain

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: