
Notification Types Notifications are categorized by type. These procs manage the types. Notification types are a service contract in order to handle notification replies appropriately (handling a forum reply is not the same as handling a calendar reply).

Ben Adida
CVS Identification:
$Id: notification-type-procs.tcl,v 2022/07/12 14:16:28 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

notification::type::delete (public)

 notification::type::delete -short_name short_name

Remove a notification type. This is very rare.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 faq::apm_callback::package_uninstall faq::apm_callback::package_uninstall (private) notification::type::delete notification::type::delete faq::apm_callback::package_uninstall->notification::type::delete forum::install::delete_notification_types forum::install::delete_notification_types (private) forum::install::delete_notification_types->notification::type::delete workflow::install::unregister_notification_types workflow::install::unregister_notification_types (public) workflow::install::unregister_notification_types->notification::type::delete xowiki::notifications-uninstall xowiki::notifications-uninstall (private) xowiki::notifications-uninstall->notification::type::delete db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) notification::type::delete->db_exec_plsql notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached (private) notification::type::delete->notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached util_memoize_flush util_memoize_flush (public) notification::type::delete->util_memoize_flush

No testcase defined.

notification::type::delivery_method_disable (public)

 notification::type::delivery_method_disable -type_id type_id \
    -delivery_method_id delivery_method_id

Delivery methods must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, full forum posts may not be enabled for SMS delivery, as that would be too long. This disables a given delivery method for a given notification type.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xowiki::notifications-uninstall xowiki::notifications-uninstall (private) notification::type::delivery_method_disable notification::type::delivery_method_disable xowiki::notifications-uninstall->notification::type::delivery_method_disable db_dml db_dml (public) notification::type::delivery_method_disable->db_dml

No testcase defined.

notification::type::delivery_method_enable (public)

 notification::type::delivery_method_enable -type_id type_id \
    -delivery_method_id delivery_method_id

Delivery methods must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, full forum posts may not be enabled for SMS delivery, as that would be too long. This enables a given delivery method for a given notification type.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 faq::apm_callback::enable_intervals_and_methods faq::apm_callback::enable_intervals_and_methods (private) notification::type::delivery_method_enable notification::type::delivery_method_enable faq::apm_callback::enable_intervals_and_methods->notification::type::delivery_method_enable news::install::enable_intervals_and_methods news::install::enable_intervals_and_methods (private) news::install::enable_intervals_and_methods->notification::type::delivery_method_enable xowiki::notifications-install xowiki::notifications-install (private) xowiki::notifications-install->notification::type::delivery_method_enable db_dml db_dml (public) notification::type::delivery_method_enable->db_dml

No testcase defined.

notification::type::get (public)

 notification::type::get -short_name short_name \
    -column_array column_array

select information about the notification type into the given Tcl Array


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_1row db_1row (public) notification::type::get notification::type::get notification::type::get->db_1row

No testcase defined.

notification::type::get_impl_key (public)

 notification::type::get_impl_key -type_id type_id

return the service contract implementation key for a given notification type.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 notification::type::process_reply notification::type::process_reply (public) notification::type::get_impl_key notification::type::get_impl_key notification::type::process_reply->notification::type::get_impl_key db_string db_string (public) notification::type::get_impl_key->db_string

No testcase defined.

notification::type::get_type_id (public)

 notification::type::get_type_id -short_name short_name

return the notification type ID given a short name. Short names are unique but not primary keys.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) notification::type::get_type_id notification::type::get_type_id test_xowiki_test_cases->notification::type::get_type_id notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached (private) notification::type::get_type_id->notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-categories Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-categories (public) Class ::xowiki::includelet::my-categories->notification::type::get_type_id bug_tracker::bug::get_watch_link bug_tracker::bug::get_watch_link (public) bug_tracker::bug::get_watch_link->notification::type::get_type_id calendar::do_notifications calendar::do_notifications (public) calendar::do_notifications->notification::type::get_type_id faq::notification_delivery::do_notification faq::notification_delivery::do_notification (private) faq::notification_delivery::do_notification->notification::type::get_type_id forum::message::notify_moderators forum::message::notify_moderators (private) forum::message::notify_moderators->notification::type::get_type_id


notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached (private)

 notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached short_name

return the notification type ID given a short name. Short names are unique but not primary keys.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 notification::type::delete notification::type::delete (public) notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached notification::type::delete->notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached notification::type::get_type_id notification::type::get_type_id (public) notification::type::get_type_id->notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached db_string db_string (public) notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached->db_string

No testcase defined.

notification::type::interval_disable (public)

 notification::type::interval_disable -type_id type_id \
    -interval_id interval_id

Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, weekly notifications may not be enabled for full forum posts, as that might be too much email (system choice) This disables a given interval for a given notification type.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xowiki::notifications-uninstall xowiki::notifications-uninstall (private) notification::type::interval_disable notification::type::interval_disable xowiki::notifications-uninstall->notification::type::interval_disable db_dml db_dml (public) notification::type::interval_disable->db_dml

No testcase defined.

notification::type::interval_enable (public)

 notification::type::interval_enable -type_id type_id \
    -interval_id interval_id

Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, weekly notifications may not be enabled for full forum posts, as that might be too much email (system choice) This enables a given interval for a given notification type.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 faq::apm_callback::enable_intervals_and_methods faq::apm_callback::enable_intervals_and_methods (private) notification::type::interval_enable notification::type::interval_enable faq::apm_callback::enable_intervals_and_methods->notification::type::interval_enable news::install::enable_intervals_and_methods news::install::enable_intervals_and_methods (private) news::install::enable_intervals_and_methods->notification::type::interval_enable xowiki::notifications-install xowiki::notifications-install (private) xowiki::notifications-install->notification::type::interval_enable db_dml db_dml (public) notification::type::interval_enable->db_dml

No testcase defined.

notification::type::new (public)

 notification::type::new [ -all_intervals ] [ -all_delivery_methods ] \
    [ -type_id type_id ] -sc_impl_id sc_impl_id -short_name short_name \
    -pretty_name pretty_name [ -description description ]

create a new notification type. Must provide a service contract implementation ID.

(boolean) (defaults to "0") (optional)
(boolean) (defaults to "0") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 faq::apm_callback::create_all_faq_type faq::apm_callback::create_all_faq_type (private) notification::type::new notification::type::new faq::apm_callback::create_all_faq_type->notification::type::new faq::apm_callback::create_one_faq_type faq::apm_callback::create_one_faq_type (private) faq::apm_callback::create_one_faq_type->notification::type::new forum::install::create_moderator_notification_types forum::install::create_moderator_notification_types (private) forum::install::create_moderator_notification_types->notification::type::new forum::install::create_user_notification_types forum::install::create_user_notification_types (private) forum::install::create_user_notification_types->notification::type::new news::install::create_news_item_type news::install::create_news_item_type (private) news::install::create_news_item_type->notification::type::new db_dml db_dml (public) notification::type::new->db_dml package_instantiate_object package_instantiate_object (public) notification::type::new->package_instantiate_object

No testcase defined.

notification::type::process_reply (public)

 notification::type::process_reply -type_id type_id -reply_id reply_id

The wrapper procedure for processing a given reply. This calls down to the service contract implementation to specifically handle a reply.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 notification::reply::sweep::process_all_replies notification::reply::sweep::process_all_replies (private) notification::type::process_reply notification::type::process_reply notification::reply::sweep::process_all_replies->notification::type::process_reply acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) notification::type::process_reply->acs_sc::invoke notification::type::get_impl_key notification::type::get_impl_key (public) notification::type::process_reply->notification::type::get_impl_key

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Notification Types

    Notifications are categorized by type. These procs manage the types.
    Notification types are a service contract in order to handle notification replies appropriately
    (handling a forum reply is not the same as handling a calendar reply).

    @creation-date 2002-05-24
    @author Ben Adida <>
    @cvs-id $Id: notification-type-procs.tcl,v 2022/07/12 14:16:28 antoniop Exp $


namespace eval notification::type {

    d_proc -public get_impl_key {
    } {
    return the service contract implementation key for a given notification type.
    } {
        return [db_string select_impl_key {}]

    d_proc -public new {
        {-all_intervals:boolean 0}
        {-all_delivery_methods:boolean 0}
        {-type_id ""}
        {-description ""}
    } {
        create a new notification type. Must provide a service contract implementation ID.
    } {
        set extra_vars [ns_set create s \
                            type_id $type_id \
                            sc_impl_id $sc_impl_id \
                            short_name $short_name \
                            pretty_name $pretty_name \
                            description $description \

        set type_id [package_instantiate_object -extra_vars $extra_vars notification_type]

        if { $all_intervals_p } {
            db_dml enable_all_intervals {}

        if { $all_delivery_methods_p } {
            db_dml enable_all_delivery_methods {}

        acs::per_thread_cache flush -pattern notifications.get_type_id($short_name)

        return $type_id

    d_proc -public get_type_id {
    } {
    return the notification type ID given a short name.
        Short names are unique but not primary keys.
    } {
        return [acs::per_thread_cache eval -key notifications.get_type_id($short_name) {
            notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached $short_name

    d_proc -private get_type_id_not_cached {
    } {
    return the notification type ID given a short name. Short names are unique but not primary keys.
    } {
        return [db_string select_type_id {} -default {}]

    d_proc -public delete {
    } {
    Remove a notification type. This is very rare.
    } {
        set type_id [notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached $short_name]

        db_exec_plsql delete_notification_type {}

        # TODO: currently, the util_memoize_flush below does nothing
        # (we need in these rare cases a restart of the server to get
        # rid of the old cache entry - one can get still a
        # notification type id from the cache, although it is removed
        # from the db). The right thing would be a broadcast operation
        # for flushing (similar to xo*) or a blueprint epoch/refetch
        # (as under consideration for better live updates on the
        # OpenACS wish-list).
        util_memoize_flush [list notification::type::get_type_id_not_cached $short_name]

    d_proc -public get {
    } {
    select information about the notification type into the given Tcl Array
    } {
        # Select the data into the upvar'ed array
        upvar $column_array row
        db_1row select_notification_type {} -column_array row

    d_proc -public interval_enable {
    } {
    Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, weekly notifications
    may not be enabled for full forum posts, as that might be too much email (system choice)
    This enables a given interval for a given notification type.
    } {
        # Perform the insert if necessary
        db_dml insert_interval_map {}

    d_proc -public interval_disable {
    } {
    Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, weekly notifications
    may not be enabled for full forum posts, as that might be too much email (system choice)
    This disables a given interval for a given notification type.
    } {
        # perform the delete if necessary
        db_dml delete_interval_map {}

    d_proc -public delivery_method_enable {
    } {
    Delivery methods must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, full forum posts
    may not be enabled for SMS delivery, as that would be too long.
    This enables a given delivery method for a given notification type.
    } {
        # perform the insert if necessary
        db_dml insert_delivery_method_map {}

    d_proc -public delivery_method_disable {
    } {
    Delivery methods must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, full forum posts
    may not be enabled for SMS delivery, as that would be too long.
    This disables a given delivery method for a given notification type.
    } {
        # perform the delete if necessary
        db_dml delete_delivery_method_map {}

    d_proc -public process_reply {
    } {
    The wrapper procedure for processing a given reply. This calls down to the service contract
    implementation to specifically handle a reply.
    } {
        # Get the impl key
        set impl_key [get_impl_key -type_id $type_id]

        # Dispatch to the notification type specific reply processing
        set r [acs_sc::invoke -contract NotificationType -operation ProcessReply -call_args [list $reply_id] -impl $impl_key]


# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: