Class Relations


::35 set context_id {}
::35 set creation_date {2002-07-09 19:49:21+02}
::35 set creation_ip {}
::35 set creation_user {}
::35 set datatype string
::35 set default_value HREF
::35 set description \
       {A space separated list of allowed attribute names, for which the attribute value should be \
       interpreted as a URL. These attributes will then be checked for valid protocols, cf. the \
       AllowedProtocol parameter. This is in addition to the attributes allowed by the \
       AllowedAttribute parameter.}
::35 set last_modified {2024-06-04 11:54:16.839135+02}
::35 set max_n_values 1
::35 set min_n_values 1
::35 set modifying_ip {}
::35 set modifying_user {}
::35 set object_id 35
::35 set object_title AllowedURLAttribute
::35 set package_id {}
::35 set package_key acs-kernel
::35 set parameter_id 35
::35 set parameter_name AllowedURLAttribute
::35 set scope instance
::35 set section_name antispam
::35 set security_inherit_p t