Class Relations

::xo::db::apm_parameter create ::4172892


::4172892 set context_id {}
::4172892 set creation_date {2014-08-10 09:13:27.772184+02}
::4172892 set creation_ip {}
::4172892 set creation_user {}
::4172892 set datatype string
::4172892 set default_value {}
::4172892 set description \
       {Path of a folder in the filesystem into which files are allowed to be read and sent as \
       attachments. Trying to send attachments residing outside this folder will throw an error.
Set this parameter to the root of your filesystem will disable this restriction.
Default for the empty value of this parameter will be to allow only files into the temporary folder \
       of the system, as in '[ns_tmpdir]'}
::4172892 set last_modified {2023-08-05 11:30:06.923539+02}
::4172892 set max_n_values 1
::4172892 set min_n_values 1
::4172892 set modifying_ip {}
::4172892 set modifying_user {}
::4172892 set object_id 4172892
::4172892 set object_title FilesystemAttachmentsRoot
::4172892 set package_id {}
::4172892 set package_key acs-mail-lite
::4172892 set parameter_id 4172892
::4172892 set parameter_name FilesystemAttachmentsRoot
::4172892 set scope instance
::4172892 set section_name email
::4172892 set security_inherit_p t