Class Relations


::2968062 set context_id {}
::2968062 set creation_date {2009-09-15 10:46:35.145082+02}
::2968062 set creation_ip {}
::2968062 set creation_user {}
::2968062 set datatype text
::2968062 set default_value \
       {{-href /resources/openacs-default-theme/styles/default-master.css -media all}
               {-href /resources/acs-templating/forms.css -media all}
               {-href /resources/acs-templating/lists.css -media all}}
::2968062 set description \
       {A list of the form '-attribute value' pairs for use with this theme. The valid attributes \
       are defined by template::head::add_css. If non defined, the default list and form CSS files \
       are used, and the subsite master is expected to provide any CSS it needs itself.   Set by the \
       admin theme-switching UI.}
::2968062 set last_modified {2023-08-05 11:30:11.847099+02}
::2968062 set max_n_values 1
::2968062 set min_n_values 1
::2968062 set modifying_ip {}
::2968062 set modifying_user {}
::2968062 set object_id 2968062
::2968062 set object_title ThemeCSS
::2968062 set package_id {}
::2968062 set package_key acs-subsite
::2968062 set parameter_id 2968062
::2968062 set parameter_name ThemeCSS
::2968062 set scope instance
::2968062 set section_name theming
::2968062 set security_inherit_p t