Class Relations


::4098823 set context_id {}
::4098823 set creation_date {2013-09-18 16:43:01.374095+02}
::4098823 set creation_ip {}
::4098823 set creation_user {}
::4098823 set datatype string
::4098823 set default_value {}
::4098823 set description \
       {Used by the callback to acs_mail_lite::incoming_email in parsing the reply address to know \
       what bug-tracker instance to insert a bug. For example, if this is set to ABC then emails to \ will be posted on this instance.  The tt- portion is a catch all email \
       you configure for your domain.  It's up to the user to properly configure fetchmail or any \
       other software that will be able to fetch the mails from a POP server.  acs-mail-lite should \
       also be configured to scan the incoming mail queue.}
::4098823 set last_modified {2019-10-16 18:37:27.456096+02}
::4098823 set max_n_values 1
::4098823 set min_n_values 1
::4098823 set modifying_ip {}
::4098823 set modifying_user {}
::4098823 set object_id 4098823
::4098823 set object_title EmailPostID
::4098823 set package_id {}
::4098823 set package_key bug-tracker
::4098823 set parameter_id 4098823
::4098823 set parameter_name EmailPostID
::4098823 set scope instance
::4098823 set section_name {}
::4098823 set security_inherit_p t