Forum OpenACS Development: Re: New Wizard in development

Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi Ola,

No demo site.  I can however provide you a tar ball of test files using the new wizard and wizard-procs.tcl of acs-templating/tcl.  You can also wait for a copy on contrib in 2-3 weeks time.  Its based from ACS 4.1.1, I haven't diffed it yet from current wizard-procs.tcl.  But I am sure that there is very little difference, not much people used wizards.

Hi Don,

Yes its the client code that needs to change.  Previously for you to get a wizard param that you set by wizard::set_param, to get it use ad_page_contract.  For example step 1 set myparam.  On step 2 to get myparam you put myparam on ad_page_contract.  Now what you do is on step 2 is "set myparam [template::wizard::get_param myparam]".  I thought in the short time I need to implement the project, i can't beboptized the wizard.  So hehehe cheat on ad_client_property :).  Params are scoped by package_id, wizard_name and param_name.  If implementation is to change in the future we can just change the get_param and set_param calls.  And the wizard will still be happy :)  Better abstraction.