Forum OpenACS CMS: Re: Top Ten (or Five?) Features you want in an OpenACS CMS

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Here are some ideas:

Web based content editing.
Upload of HTML content.
Upload of binary content for download (images, word processing documents, PDF, etc...)
Upload of other formats, converted to HTML.
Web based assignment of templates based on content_type, folder, or other criteria.
Web based editing of ADP template fragments.
Upload of ADP template fragments.
Integration with other packages, ability to add ADP fragments to add content fromm other packges such as forums, lars-blogger, news, and others.
Categorization of content. (I would prefer to wait for the new and improved categorization package. Is there any timeframe on this?)
Compound content types. Building up a page from multiple pieces of content.
Integration with workflow to allow assignment and notification of the content publishing process.

Well that's a start. I think that the content repository has at least some support for all those features. I am pretty sure that the current CMS code also supports most of these features in some way.

We know that user interface and page flow will have to be customized. I want to do two things with CMS features. Support easy implementation of CMS user interfaces with a tcl library/service pacakge. Provide one or more default, easy to use, attractive user interface options to be shipped with OpenACS (not openacs core, but rather OpenACS based applications.)