Forum OpenACS CMS: yet another cms app (but with java CMS API)

Not that there aren't already a million examples of CMS apps out there, but this one pertends to adhere to the "new java CMS API" which might be an interesting API to look at as we rehash the OACS CMS/CR API. I think, not having looked at it myself yet!

[5]  Java Tool News: Magnolia 1.0 

Magnolia 1.0 from obinary ag is a free open-source, Java-based and
J2EE-compliant Content Management System (CMS) implementing the Java
Content Repository. Magnolia uses the upcoming standard API for
Java-based content repositories to access its content and it has an
easy-to-use WebBrowser Interface, a clear API and a useful custom
tag library for easy templating in JSP and Servlets.
Magnolia CMS