Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Response to Newbie WebMail questions

Posted by nemuel salvador on
hi there mr. ayman... hi im nem from Philippines, i took ages to find out how am i going to caontact since we are having our thesis subject..and I and my proponent would like to enhance3 your IMAP webmail system ifever you would allow us so we could pass our subject...we hope to get a copy of your sample thesis project as well as with the source code...and i would like to ask ...what programming language did you use to develop the webmail system and  what operating system does it require?...thanks and god bless....hope i could here right away from you thjanks again..
Posted by Ayman M on
Hi Nemuel,

Please feel free to use any part or all of the Webmail system which I developed. All is ask is that you reference what parts you have used in your work.

The site which Alfred pointed you to above contains all information you will require. It contains my thesis as well as all supporting code and instructions.

A good contact is Vlad Seryakov ( I used his IMAP module (ns_imap) to complete my thesis. He may be able to give you some extra assistance with regards to his code. He may have updated his code since I completed my thesis so check with him about that.

Some other threads which may be helpful:

I hope that helps getting you started. Make sure you use the forums since there are a lot of experience people in here as well as using the IRC chatroom.

Best of luck with your work and keep me updated on how you go.

Kind regards,