Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Best Configuration in Debian for Openacs Development

Posted by Roberto Mello on
Debian installs a base system with the minimum it needs to run, and then gives you the opportunity to pick sets of packages in tasksel, much like Red Hat (but Red Hat's set sizes are much larger).

You probably want to install Woody with the "bf24" option at the initial prompt. That will give you a 2.4.18 kernel.

For OpenACS you will want some new versions of PostgreSQL and Tcl. For PostgreSQL you want Oliver Elphick's PG packages (he's the mainainer). Add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb stable main contrib non-free

For Tcl8.4, you want's packages. Add this to your sources.list:

deb stable tcl8.4 is a valuable resource. Look through and just append whatever packages you'd like to the line above, after tcl8.4.

Besides tcl8.4 and PostgreSQL, you need AOLserver too. Francesce Lovergine is Debian's AOLserver 3.x maintainer. He (and several others including I in parallel efforts apparently) have been working on AOLserver 4 packages. Hopefully these will converge.

He has made some AOLserver 4 packages available for unstable on his repository:

IIRC David Welton made packages of modules. I don't know where they are. I don't think either of these have woody backports yet. I also made AOLserver 4 packages, but I have to find where in my backups they are (hard drive failure in december).

Francesco, David, how about we join forces on these Debian packages? We'll probably get better outcome. I have a woody machine we can use to build backports (it uses tcl8.4 from

Besides these, you'll need tDOM and a fow of the AOLserver 4 modules, which you'll likely have o compile by hand for now. You'll also need ssh and some decent editor besides nano-tiny, the default in Debian's install. vim or emacs21 or your choice.

Make sure you edit /etc/inetd.conf and comment any services you don't need. You can't uninstall portmap, but you can not start it at boot. See the update-rc.d man page.

Debian is an excellent distribution, specially for servers. For desktops you pretty much have to go with unstable (which really is pretty stable).


Posted by C. R. Oldham on


deb stable main contrib non-free

to my /etc/apt/sources.list results in a bunch of

Err stable/contrib Packages
  404 Not Found

from 'apt-get update'.  Are you sure Oliver is still providing backports of late Pg versions to stable?

Btw, I had no major complaints about my Debian Stable 3.0 desktop machine. Even Mozilla 1.0.x was bearable, although 1.4 to 1.6 are vastly superior. With the addition of some backported packages, I don't think I'd have had any complaints about Stable at all.