Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Question about ad_form

2: Re: Question about ad_form (response to 1)
Posted by Richard Hamilton on
Also I would be very grateful if someone would explain why my variables are null, i.e. nothing entered in the form gets appended to the email message. Do I need to use uplevel or something, or maybe a different declarative notation? (Sorry about the duplicate posting).
ad_form -name brochure -form {
	{first_name:text {label "First Name"}}
	{last_name:text {label "Last Name"}}
	{address_1:text {label "Address Line One"}}
	{address_2:text,optional {label "Address Line Two"}}
	{address_3:text,optional {label "Address Line Three"}}
	{address_4:text,optional {label "Address Line Four"}}
	{town:text {label "Town"}}
	{county:text {label "County"}}
	{country:text,optional {label "Country"}}
	{telephone:text,optional {label "Telephone Number"}}
	{message:text(textarea),optional {label "Brief Message"}}
} -on_submit {

set subject "Brochure request from Servername"

set message_body "Please would you send me a brochure

My address is:


append $message_body $first_name "\n" $last_name "\n" $address_1" \n" $address_2 "\n" $address_3 "\n" $address_4 "\n" $town "\n" $county "\n" $country "\nTelephone: " $telephone "\n\nMessage text: " $message

if { [catch {ns_sendmail "" "" $subject $message_body} errmsg] } {
	ns_log Warning "Error sending brochure request email - $errmsg" }
I'm just trying to work this through as a simple example.

Thanks in advance