Forum OpenACS Improvement Proposals (TIPs): TIP #130 (Implemented) Add -extra_args to search callback definition

This is a proposal to allow building more complex search queries by adding a new parameter to the search::search tcl procedure called "extra_args" This would be a list of key value pairs used to build up a complex query.

In addition the search::search callback for search drivers will add this new parameter. The search driver then takes the extra args parameter and calls a search::extra_args callback for each extra argument.

The extra argument will return a from clause and where clause to be added to the search query.

ad_proc -callback search::extra_arg {
    {-object_table_alias {}}
} {
    Generate a query fragment for search filtering by extra argument
    Argument name will be the implementation name called

    Search driver should call this for every extra argument and then build the \
search query using the query fragments returned

    @param value value of the argument
    @param object_table_alias SQL alias of table that contains the object_id to\
 join against

    @return list in array format of {from_clause {} where_clause {}}
} -

ad_proc search::extra_args_names {
} {
    List of names of extra args implemented
} {
    set names [list]
    foreach procname [info procs ::callback::search::extra_arg::impl::*] {
	lappend names [namespace tail $procname]
    return $names

ad_proc search::extra_args_page_contract {
} {
    Generate ad_page_contract fragment for extra_args options

    Get all the callback impls for extra_args and add
     a page contract declaration

    @return string containing the ad_page_contract query delcarations
            for the extra_args that are implemented
} {
    set contract ""
    foreach name [extra_args_names] {
        append contract "\{$name \{\}\}\n"
    return $contract

ad_proc search::extra_args {
} {
    List of extra_args to pass to search::search callback
} {
    set extra_args [list]
    foreach name [extra_args_names] {
        upvar $name local_$name
	ns_log debug "extra_args name = '${name}' exists [info exists local_${n\
        if {[info exists local_$name]} {
            lappend extra_args $name [set local_$name]
    return $extra_args

ad_proc -callback search::search -impl tsearch2-driver {
    {-extra_args {}}
    {packages {}}
} {
    ftsenginedriver search operation implementation for tsearch2

    @author Dave Bauer (
    @creation-date 2004-06-05

    @param query

    @param offset

    @param limit

    @param user_id

    @param df

    @param packages list of packages to search for content in.


} {
    # JCD: I have done something horrible.  I took out dt and                   
    # made it packages.  when you search there is no way to specify a date rang\
e just                                                                          
    # last six months, last year etc.  I hijack what was the old dt param and m\
ake it                                                                          
    # the package_id list and just empty string for dt.                         
    set dt {}

    set orig_query $query

    # clean up query for tsearch2                                               
    set query [tsearch2::build_query -query $query]

    # don't use bind vars since pg7.3 yacks for '1' (which is what comes out of\
 bind vars)                                                                     
    set limit_clause ""
    set offset_clause ""
    if {[string is integer -strict $limit]} {
        set limit_clause " limit $limit "
    if {[string is integer -strict $offset]} {
        set offset_clause " offset $offset "

    if { $orig_query eq "" } {
    set base_query {
	from txt, acs_objects o
        where o.object_id = txt.object_id
        and exists (select 1
                    from acs_object_party_privilege_map m
                    where m.object_id = txt.object_id
                      and m.party_id = :user_id
                      and m.privilege = 'read')}
    } else {
    set base_query {
	from txt, acs_objects o
        where fti @@ to_tsquery('default',:query)
	and o.object_id = txt.object_id
        and exists (select 1
                    from acs_object_party_privilege_map m
                    where m.object_id = txt.object_id
                      and m.party_id = :user_id
                      and m.privilege = 'read')}
    if {![empty_string_p $df]} {
        append base_query " and o.creation_date > :df"
    if {![empty_string_p $dt]} {
        append base_query " and o.creation_date < :dt"
ns_log notice "extra args $extra_args"
    foreach {arg value} $extra_args {
        array set arg_clauses [lindex [callback -impl $arg search::extra_arg -v\
alue $value -object_table_alias o] 0]
        ns_log notice "[array get arg_clauses]"
	if {[info exists arg_clauses(from_clause)] && $arg_clauses(from_clause)\
 ne ""} {
            # noop                                                              
        if {[info exists arg_clauses(where_clause)] && $arg_clauses(where_claus\
e) ne ""} {
            ns_log notice "APPENDING"
            append base_query " and $arg_clauses(where_clause)"
    # generate the package id restriction.                                      
    set ids {}
    if {[info exists packages]} {
        foreach id $packages {
            if {[string is integer -strict $id]} {
                lappend ids $id
    if {![empty_string_p $ids]} {
        append base_query " and o.package_id in ([join $ids ,])"

    if { $orig_query eq "" } {
    set results_ids [db_list search \
                         "select o.object_id $base_query                        
   order by o.creation_date desc                                                
   $limit_clause $offset_clause"]
    } else {
    set results_ids [db_list search \
                        "select o.object_id $base_query                        
   order by rank(fti,to_tsquery('default',:query)) desc                         
   $limit_clause $offset_clause"]

    set count [db_string count "select count(*) $base_query"]

    set stop_words [list]

    # lovely the search package requires count to be returned but the           
    # service contract definition doesn't specify it!                           
    return [list ids $results_ids stopwords $stop_words count $count]

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Ok I am updating this, hopefully I'll remember to mention at the next OCT meeting The subject says service contract, but it means "callback signature." The search drivers are few and the callback mechanism is much easier to deal with and extend.
I am resubmitting this, looks like it fell through the cracks.
Resubmitting again! Let's discuss at next OCT, keep forgetting.
Resubmitting again! Let's discuss on February 18, 2009 meeting.
Approved at Feb 24, 2009 OCT meeting at #openacs on