Forum OpenACS Q&A: Tcl Versions for Aolserver install

I have been following through the install docs and have stumbled upon something that we may wish to change.

The docs here ( seem to imply :

i) that if your system already has 8.4.7 then that is ok.

ii) that you should go for the most recent version available.

Taking each in turn:

i) From

AOLserver 4.0.10 is consuming all my memory

Bas Scheffers says: What version of Tcl did you use? Use 8.4.11 or 8.4.6, but nothing in between as they have a big memory leak.

So, if this is correct we really we should make clear in the docs that 8.4.7 is not a good idea.

ii) Having just tried to install Aolserver 4.5 with tcl 8.5.5 and then tcl 8.4.19 I have discovered that there are compilation issues. I don't think they will be dealbreakers and other cleverer people have succeeded, but I have not yet resolved them.

Perhaps we should specify a known good version?


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
So far, only Tcl 8.4.* is supported by OpenACS. Most of the installations use Tcl 8.4. Version 8.4.19 is recommended.

One should however note, that some Linux distributions come already Tcl 8.5 (e.g. Fedora 9), so it is good to know that this will work as well.

From the other thread, i had the impression by specifying the tclsh, everything worked well for you...

Posted by Richard Hamilton on

I see what you mean. Yes, installing tcl worked just fine, but I had the same problem compiling Aolserver45 with tcl 8.4.19 as with tcl 8.5.5.

I had read somewhere that the issue was to do with the tcl version rather than simply a problem with Aolserver45 on my platform. From your comments I conclude that the latter is more likely!
