Forum OpenACS Development: ad_form section error

Posted by Byron Linares on
Hi all,
recently I upgrade my acs-templating package from oacs5-2 to oacs5-5.
Browsing in my site I notice that ad_form elementes that uses the "section" option throws a error.
For example a form like :

ad_form -name careers -export {ug_survey_id } \
-cancel_url "index" \
-cancel_label "Back" \
-form {
{ career:text(select),optional
{label "select carrer"}
{options $department_form_list}
{section "search"}
Throws an error :
can't read "elements(sec_fieldset)": no such element in array
while executing
"lang::util::localize $elements(sec_fieldset)"
("for" body line 6)
invoked from within
"for { set __d13_i 1 } { $__d13_i <= ${elements:rowcount} } { incr __d13_i } {
upvar 0 elements:$__d13_i elements

if {! ([template::util::is_ni..."
("uplevel" body line 9)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
set __adp_output ""

if {[info exists elements]} {
upvar 0 elements __d13_swap

with a this new form works fine:
ad_form -name careers -export {ug_survey_id include_zeros return_url orderby} \
-cancel_url "index" \
-cancel_label "Regresar" \
-form {
{ career:text(select),optional
{label "select carrer"}
{options $department_form_list}
{section "search"}
{sec_legendtext “search”}
{sec_fieldset ""}
{sec_legend ""}
{values $career}

this three options have to be obligatories ?{sec_legendtext “search”}
{sec_fieldset ""}
{sec_legend ""}
there should be a default value ?

2: Re: ad_form section error (response to 1)
Posted by Dave Bauer on
3: Re: ad_form section error (response to 2)
Posted by Byron Linares on
ops, ok thanks for the help Dave
