Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to What does "Enterprise Class" mean?

Posted by Torben Brosten on
Hi Talli,

The specific points you quote are conclusions/requirements drawn from enterprise level goals and strategy. It helps to first be certain that "enterprise class" strategies are understood and appropriate for the task (most likely they are!), and thus your question...

I've used these two books to help identify a broad set of enterprise strategies applicable to various clients that nontechies agree with:

Freidheim, Cyrus. (1998). Trillion-Dollar Enterprise: how the alliance revolution will transform global business. Reading, MA:Perseus Books

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. (1995). World class: Thriving locally in the global economy. NY:Simon Schuster.

The points aren't unique to these books; I would be interested in knowing what references others use to create a foundation for value and/or opportunity.

Once the client (and IT company) agrees on the strategy, the technical requirements follow --ie. IT must do everything. =)