Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: acs-lang problem! needed help

Posted by Kevin Lau on
First thank you for all your suggestion.

More detail can be given to the caes
1. For the case of the problem happened, the user_id is equal to 0, ie. not-login user. I have no idea if login user would have the problem. But not login user has problem and I am trying to narrow down the case first.

So I guess moving util_memoize_flush may not help the case.

2. The problem happened in both Firefox and IE. And I found that I can change the cookie ad_locale correct but the expiry time is infinte. I have two other cookies that one is session_id with 2 hour life time and one is ad_user_login with infinte lifetime.

Or should I disable memoize cache?

Thank you.
