Forum OpenACS Development: Re: 5.2: survey-library requires survey 5.1.4d2, survey is 5.0.1


People are trying to use assessment for reasons that it wasn't intended for. As an all-purpose form builder and substitue to the CR. That is the major debate. Yeah, it sucks that people take a piece of code, use it for something way outside the intention and then criticize it when it doesn't work that way.

>More aggravating is hearing about fixes/enhancements that then don't make it back into CVS. This doesn't seem like the way a community development process is supposed to work.

The code I did was a prototype and also required some changes to the assessment it's not clear it's ready to make. The code is in the document Carl posted. It's not in CVS because it is not clear that it should be part of the package, not because anything is being "kept back"
