Forum OpenACS Development: XoWiki and cr_text???

Posted by Frank Bergmann on

We have finally found the XoWiki issue that we had in ]po[, probably due to strange update issues or whatever.

Basically, the view "xowiki_formi" references a table "cr_text" that had two entries in our database. We could fix our issue by deleting one of the two entries:

# select oid, * from cr_text;
   oid    | text_data
 42300926 |
 42300927 |
(2 rows)

But I don't understand the function of cr_text in this "xowiki_formi" view. There is no where condition for cr_text. Does this really make sense?:

SELECT  [...]
        cr_text.text_data AS text,
FROM    acs_objects,
        cr_revisions cr,
WHERE   acs_objects.object_id = cr.revision_id AND
        acs_objects.object_id = xowiki_form.xowiki_form_id AND
        acs_objects.object_id = xowiki_page_template.page_template_id AND
        acs_objects.object_id = xowiki_page.page_id;


2: Re: XoWiki and cr_text??? (response to 1)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on

You are most likely refering to the problem reported by Klaus Hofeditz.

The SOMENAME_i and SOMENAME_x views are generated automatically from OpenACS. The logic concerning cr_text is not specific to xowiki (see e.g. cr_revisionsi). I have never seen anyone be able to insert to this table; can it be that there are some changes in the datamodel of PO?

Below are the standard definitions of cr_text that show that the database prohibits all inserts to this table.

All the best
Gustaf Neumann

oacs=# \d cr_text
    Table "public.cr_text"
  Column   | Type | Modifiers 
 text_data | text | 
    cr_text_tr BEFORE INSERT ON cr_text FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE cr_text_tr()

oacs=# \df++ cr_text_tr
List of functions
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
Schema              | public
Name                | cr_text_tr
Result data type    | trigger
Argument data types | 
Type                | trigger
Volatility          | volatile
Owner               | nsadmin
Language            | plpgsql
Source code         | 
                    : begin
                    :    raise EXCEPTION '-20000: Inserts are not allowed into cr_text.';
                    :    return new;
                    : end;
Description         | 
3: Re: XoWiki and cr_text??? (response to 1)
Posted by Frank Bergmann on
Hi Gustaf,

reported by Klaus Hofeditz.

Right, that was the issue.


I have no idea how PostgreSQL could ever allow a second column in this table. Maybe that's because the data in our database really were generated by ACS 3.4 at some moment and everything else are upgrades.

generated automatically from OpenAcs

Yeah, I've seen this, and so my question about the sense of cr_text was more targeted at the wizards behind the CR. I'm sure there is or was some good reason to include this table at some time...
