Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Error send by Opeacs.

Posted by Jeff Davis on

I think there should be a single step install/enable/mount a set of packages for some common configurations but I would stop short of mounting them all that way (or doing it by default). I think you want to keep the url space clean and there are just too many packages of varying quality to trust that they will all be free of security holes and be functional. I think something like the checklist at packages-install for mounting at cannonical locations would be the most desirable way to do it (in fact adding a "Mount" checkbox to do this on that page might in fact be the right thing to do).


Again, I think this is not such a good idea. Partly because of the same set of concerns raised above and partly because I think the right answer is to make everything subsite aware and having a half measure like you are talking about will just forestall fixing all the things which are currently broken with respect to subsiting.


I looked through how the apm_package_id_from_key was being used and in most cases where I saw two package_id's could be returned it was indicative if something wrong with the package (or in the case of clickthroughs, a shortcoming with our handling of parameters). I would be more inclined to error out if you called this for a non-singleton package just so what I see as a pretty common error.

All this exacerbated by the fact that if you type package_id into the api-browser you will see:

        which works the way you are talking about, and 
        bulkmail is not a singleton but the proc is never 
        singleton although the query handles multiple instances
all pretty much unneccessary, and also a number more queries embeded in other procs all doing things in a haphazard fashion.

So assume you make this change...what happens is people go on their way and use apm_package_id_from_key since it just seems easier than doing things the right way (or worse they don't even realize this is not the right way) and then they start complaining about parameters not being recognized as being changed, permissions being broken, and other badisms (like things ending up in the wrong folders or under the wrong subsite).

All not good.

better to add a check constraint on apm_packages to prevent creation of more than one instance of a singleton and stricter handling in apm_package_id_from_key and fix the few bugs that manifest as a consequence.