Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: sort_order / sort_key - Moving objects up and down a list

Hi Ola,

I used the tree_sortkey to explicitly sort on my current CMS.  Due to the fact that I was in a tight sched way back then.  I then brought it up on the CMS forums (where is that now?).  We need to really have this machanism in CR.  Either the sortkey (which OpenForce I think also uses in Oracle .LRN) or some other method.  One method is the relations in CR, but then that does not give me a good way to make sorting heirarchy as tree_sortkey.  Or it can, but I think maybe more difficult.

Anyway I hope we can make a final decision on how to explicitly sort items even on just in CR.  I still have to investigate what Dave has brought up, cr_child_rels.  On my first try on cr_item_rels order_n did not prove to be easy.  So I jumped back to use tree_sortkey.  There are 2 major drawback to tree_sortkey.

#1. Its still pg only.
#2. Manipulating will put an entire branch into a bad state, although I manipulated it in a transaction.  It is repairable just in case it really goes bad, but then tree_sortkey was not meant to be manipulated.