Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Translation: Terminology and Functionality Questions

With our instance of dotLRN, banned=deactivated, so those two terms are interchangeable and are an inconsistency in the terminolgy used.  You are correct about deleted - a user can reactivate an account in this state (imagine my surprise as i figured this out!), but a deactivated/banned account can only be reactivated by the site wide admin. I don't see closed on my system, unless i have just overlooked it, but i am not familiar with it nor have i used it.
closed account occurs in 3 messages on 8 source locations. How to guess the context?


<p> #acs-subsite.Account_at_system_closed# </p>


<p> #acs-subsite.Account_at_system_closed# </p>




set result(account_message) [_ acs-subsite.Account_closed]




set result(account_message) [_ acs-subsite.Account_closed]





From my point of view there should be:

banned: Only admin can take off the bann from the user
deactivated: User may be able to reactivate the account
deleted: Noboby may undelete the user

Does anyone agree with this?
Is there a possibility to set the userstates right?

Posted by Anja Wicht on
That's exactly what I think.