Forum OpenACS Development: max_child_sortkey purpose

Hi all,

I need to use the tree_sortkey functionallity in one table referencing a parent_id in the same table, and I read about what is already done in the forums package.

However I don't understand the purpose of the max_child_sortkey field (which is in the forums_messages table and in the acs_objects table too), because as far as I could noticed, it is only used to calculate the next sortkey of a newly created node (the nex new sortkey among its already created sister nodes), but if that's its only purpose, why can not calculate the next sorkey directly?

I did it this way and it's working fine, but since I couldn't find any documentation (about the max_child_sortkey), I want to know what you have to say about it.

This is my implementation:

create table table_name (
       primary_key_id integer primary key,
       parent_id integer references table_name,
       sortkey varbit

create or replace function table_name_insert_fn () returns opaque as ' declare v_new_sortkey varbit; v_parent_sortkey varbit; begin if new.parent_id is null then v_new_sortkey := tree_increment_key(''''); else select sortkey into v_parent_sortkey from table_name where primary_key_id = new.parent_id; if (select count(*) from table_name where parent_id = new.parent_id) = 0 then v_new_sortkey := v_parent_sortkey || tree_increment_key(''''); else select tree_increment_key(sortkey) into v_new_sortkey from table_name where tree_leaf_key_to_int(sortkey) = (select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(sortkey)) from table_name where parent_id = new.parent_id); v_new_sortkey := v_parent_sortkey || v_new_sortkey; end if; end if; raise NOTICE ''veamos % '', v_new_sortkey; new.sortkey = v_new_sortkey; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger table_name_insert_tr before insert on table_name for each row execute procedure table_name_insert_fn();

insert into table_name(primary_key_id) values (100); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (101,100); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (102,100); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (103,101); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (104,102); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (105,100); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (106,101); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (107,100); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (108,102); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (109,103); insert into table_name(primary_key_id,parent_id) values (110,103);

select * from table_name; primary_key_id | parent_id | sortkey | max_child_sortkey ----------------+-----------+----------------------------------+------------------- 100 | | 00000001 | 101 | 100 | 0000000100000001 | 102 | 100 | 0000000100000010 | 103 | 101 | 000000010000000100000001 | 104 | 102 | 000000010000001000000001 | 105 | 100 | 0000000100000011 | 106 | 101 | 000000010000000100000010 | 107 | 100 | 0000000100000100 | 108 | 102 | 000000010000001000000010 | 109 | 103 | 00000001000000010000000100000001 | 110 | 103 | 00000001000000010000000100000010 |

Is this right?


Jose Pablo

Posted by Dave Bauer on
max_child_sortkey is a caching feature. It is used to speed up insertion of objects into tables with a tree_sortkey.

The calculation of the next child can be expensive so this makes it faster.

Posted by Don Baccus on
In particular max() is slow in Postgres as it scans every row returned by the select.

Your method will slow down linearly as new children are added to the parent. That's not good.