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Vi as an OpenACS IDE

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Monika Andergassen 05 Oct 2015, at 12:45 PM

In vim add the following in your .vimrc will help convert tabs to 4 spaces to meet part of the OpenACS coding standard.

set tabstop=4
set expandtab
set list
set listchars=tab:>.

It's also nice to have syntax highlighting by adding the following line

syntax on 

Also useful to use tagging features. In brief - run ctags -R in the root of the install or source tree.

At that point you can edit using vim -t procname or ::package::procname and go to the corresponding place in the code. From within the code, you can lookup functions by having the term highlighted and hit CTL-] - use CTL-T to go back.

Only works if you edit from the top directory, all tags are relative to there.


Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Monika Andergassen 05 Oct 2015, at 12:43 PM

XOTcl is an object oriented extension for Tcl and required part of OpenACS installations since  TIP #87. The OpenACS package xotcl-core provides base functionality and integration with the OpenACS framework.

The current version of XOTcl is 1.6.7. Read about XOTcl motivations and  feature from For more details about XOTcl, see XOTcl Homepage.


One can get XOTcl e.g. in binary form from debian or it can be complied from source. The following instructions describe, how to compile XOTcl from source.
  1. Get, compile and install XOTcl

    Get xotcl-1.6.7:

     cd /usr/local/src
    tar zxvf xotcl-1.6.7.tar.gz

    The following commands can be used to compile XOTcl and install it into the appropriate places of the specified aolserver. We assume that the aolserver is installed under /usr/local/aolserver:

     cd xotcl-1.6.7 
    CC=gcc;export CC
    ./configure --enable-threads --enable-symbols --prefix=/usr/local/aolserver --exec-prefix=/usr/local/aolserver --with-tcl=/usr/src/tcl8.4.16/unix

    Use appropriate paths for aolserver4 and your tcl version.

    make install-aol

    After the "make install-aol" from the XOTcl sources, a file xotcl.tcl is installed in the directory /usr/local/aolserver/modules/tcl/ that handles .xotcl files and XOTcl serialization in the aolserver.

  2. Restart your aolserver to load xotcl.

OpenACS Debian Install quicksheet

Created by Ryan Gallimore, last modified by Monika Andergassen 05 Oct 2015, at 12:32 PM

# PostgreSQL

 apt-get install postgresql postgresql-dev postgresql-doc 
ln -s /usr/include/postgresql/ /usr/include/pgsql
ln -s /var/lib/postgres /usr/local/pgsql
ln -s /usr/include/pgsql /usr/local/pgsql/include
su postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/createlang plpgsql template1"
su postgres -c "createuser -a -d service1"
su postgres -c "createdb -E UNICODE service1"

# AOLServer
 apt-get install aolserver4 aolserver4-nspostgres aolserver4-nssha1 aolserver4-nscache tdom

# OpenACS
 groupadd web 
useradd -g web service1
mkdir /var/lib/aolserver
chown -R service1 /var/lib/aolserver
chgrp -R web /var/lib/aolserver
chmod -R 770 /var/lib/aolserver

su - service1
cd /tmp
cd /var/lib/aolserver
tar xzf /tmp/openacs-5.1.5.tar.gz
mv /tmp/openacs-5.1.5 service1

chmod -R 755 service1
chown -R service1.web service1


# Copy Files (where / is root of OpenACS instance):
# [edit hostname and address]
config.tcl => /etc/
set homedir                   /usr/lib/aolserver4
set bindir                    /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin

# init/d script:

# Start the AOLServer HTTP server.

NAME="OpenACS on service1"
trap "" 1


   echo -n "Starting web server: $NAME"
   echo -e -n "\r"


    #we need to export the library stuff first
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/pgsql/lib
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/pgsql/bin

    # give time for Postgres to come up
    sleep 1
    exec /usr/sbin/aolserver4-nsd -it $SERVICEPATH/etc/config.tcl -u service1 -g web &

    # For AOLserver 4 using privileged ports (usually < 1024), add the flag
   # -b youraddress:yourport

    echo ""

    echo -n "Stopping web server: $NAME"
    killall aolserver4-nsd
    echo ""

case "$1" in



    sleep 2

    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 1

echo -n -e "\c\r\n"
exit 0

# End of script

# avoid pid not found errors in the log

 mkdir /usr/lib/aolserver4/log 
chown root:web /usr/lib/aolserver4/log
chmod 775 /usr/lib/aolserver4/log

# Set openacs to start on boot
 update-rc.d openacs-service1 defaults 
chmod u+x openacs-service1
ln -s /var/lib/aolserver/service1

Install AOLserver 4.5

Created by Malte Sussdorff, last modified by Monika Andergassen 05 Oct 2015, at 12:12 PM

If you want to install AOLserver 4.5 you could follow the instructions for AOLserver en:aolserver-install and replace 40r10 with 4.5 (more or less ...).

Alternatively follow the instructions or download it as a shell script (recommended) or download a full archive aolserver45-oacs.tar.bz2.

If on "OS X" the install fails for nspostgres with undefined symbols, execute the following command:

gcc -pipe -dynamiclib -install_name /usr/local/aolserver45/lib/libnspostgres.dylib  -o libnspostgres.dylib nspostgres.o -L/usr/local/aolserver45/lib -lnsd -lnsthread -L/usr/local/aolserver45/lib -ltcl8.4   -lpthread -framework CoreFoundation   -lnsdb -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq

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